Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Watching: I have been watching Downton Abby non stop this semester! I can not think of a better show. Some of the other shows the Fiance and I have been watching are Once Upon A Time, Revolution, and Grimm. Although the last two listed are beginning again in a month or so! 

Listening to: This week my audio choice has been the Alabama Shakes! 

Making me happy: O swimming, how I have missed thee! So I have been swimming again for two weeks now, and I believe I have finally found my fitness niche! I had forgotten how much I loved to swim! 

Thinking about: All I have to do before I can leave for spring break! 

Praying about: Although there are a lot of people and situations I am praying for right now, I am so glad everyone seems to be getting better from the terrible season of colds this winter! I am thankful for health and energy! 

Excited about: Spring break and getting to see my family and my future family! I am also excited to be teaching violin again! I just started back again last week from a 3 year hiatus due to moving out of state! But now I am back in action! 

Midterms are this week for the college I attend and through the craziness I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!! The pictures are of some random things I have done this week!

Happy Wednesday! 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

11 Questions + Catch up!

11 Questions! 
And just for excitement sake, 15 Months and 18 Days till our wedding day! 
I know it has been a while since I have posted. One day when I am out of college, and living somewhere that the internet doesn't go down once a day I will be more diligent about posting regularly. Until that time of my life comes, I just live day by day trying to make it through school with as many A's as possible! 
I found this cute post by The Paper Mama! You should go over and see right now. Her blog is so adorable! Her post looked like so much fun that I had to join in as well! I answered the 11 questions that she posted and then at the end I will ask 11 questions for you to answer!

Rules :
1. Post a photo of yourself
2. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
3. Create 11 new questions and ask people to answer them.

Lets Go! 
1. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
Hmm, this is a hard one. I am not quite sure. My name is a passed down family name, and if I were to change it I would have to pick a double name. Really, who doesn't love double names?! When I was a child I would always name my dolls Barbara Anna or Anna Maria.
2. Are you a collector of anything?
I am an avid elephant lover! Every where I've traveled I have been able to find an elephant figurine. In Africa I found an elephant made out of banana leaves. Turkey, an elephant made out of lime stone indigenous to the area. I think when you find a souvenir that represents the place you have traveled it means a lot more. Every time I look at my little elephants I remember the people I met, the food I ate, and the experiences that changed my life.
3. What is your first thought when you wake up?
I am normally trying to remember when my first class is and how much I need to do before I have to leave the house.
4. Do you prefer sweet or salty foods?
Probably sweet. I suppose it would depend on the day, but I love to bake and make pies, cakes, and scones! So yeah, I have a large sweet tooth! 
5. Name one thing you miss about being a kid.
One of my favorite memories as a kid was waking up on Saturday mornings and running in to my parents room to wake them up! Then my brother and I would lay on the couch and watch the old cartoons! I miss getting up and just being at home. Hanging out with my family was the best! 
6. Are you a morning or night person?
I am naturally a night person, but college has made me a morning person. I can slip back in to a night owl habit easily though. :)
7. List 5 items on your life’s to-do list:
1) Travel everywhere! 2) Graduate from college 3) Create a music + art curriculum for young children 4) Have a bunch of kids 5) Being open to help people at any moment.
8. Share one thing that people may not know about you.
I have a deep aversion to laced shoes! Even as a child I could not keep shoes on my feet! My favorite shoes are Moccasins because I can slip them off and on easily and they aren't tied to my feet! 
9. What is your all time favorite song, movie, and book?
Favorite song - Que Sera Sera by Doris Day! Favorite Movie - Pride and Prejudice (any of version) Favorite Book - Right now it would have to be the Graceling by Kristin Cashore
10. Do you have any hidden talents?
Well most of you already know that I crochet, knit, and play the violin. I can't think of anything else I can do. If I think of something I will let you know! :) 
11. Are you a really clean or super messy person?
I am most definitely a clean person. But I can also be lazy at times. I tend to have clean areas and messy areas. 

So now I get to ask you 11 questions! 
1. What is your favorite childhood memory?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. List 5 of your life to-do goals.
4. All time Favorite book, Movie, and Song! 
5. Do you play a musical instrument or What would you dream of playing?
6. Favorite Valentines day memory or Ideal Valentines date?
7. What is your favorite Spring/Summer activity?
8. Are you an Organizer or a Let it all go type of person?
9. Favorite Holiday?
10. Skirts or pants?
11. Do you have any hidden talents?

Have fun with this! If you do it, let me know by leaving a link in the comment box! I can't wait to read all your responses! 
I hope you are staying dry and having a wonderful week! 

~ Anna Barbara