Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Hey, I just wanted to show what I have been busy making! 

The Olivia Hat

 The Butterfly Hat

Cloudy Day Hat

I am so thrilled and stressed that finals are coming soon! I am so ready for Christmas break! I have been  studying hard then de-stressing with crocheting! I am hoping that on Thanksgiving and Christmas break I can make a lot more things to sell. Some friends are pushing me to put my hats for sale on Etsy but I am not sure yet. Since I am in college my life has limited free time so I am praying about it. 
How do you feel about Etsy? Is it worth it for a small time hat seller? 

Have a great week! 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Thats right I am sure you have heard of "No Shave November" but now the growth of fall facial hair is at it's peak! Movember is a organization to help raise money for men's health awareness. During the month of November, Movember participants are shaving all but their manly mustache's! 

 Since I can't really grow a mustache I am making these crocheted mustache's for the cause! 
The pattern I used for them is here by a lovely Mo sista! 

To help with Movember go to there website here and sign up to help raise awareness for men's health! 

Men Get Your Heath On!!!! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Blissful Fall Weekend

Tony and I got to spend another weekend together! He drove to school for the David Crowder Band concert on Thursday and then stayed till Sunday!  It was so wonderful to have him near by and not 5 hours away! The David Crowder Band is on their last tour together so it was a wonderful treat to be at the concert.


Sadly there was still work to be done so while he was here we studied at the Library like old times! 
My man can make me smile no matter what!!!!

This was our view on the way to church Sunday morning! I love fall!

Then after church we caught up on some Saturday night live! 

French press from Starbucks! 

I think our lives are centered around coffee! 

Well that was my weekend! How was yours?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Butterfly Hat

Hello all, 
I wanted to share this hat I made with last week. It is a super cute hat that has a subtle vintage style. 
It took me about three hours to make using a Lion Brand Vanna's Choice yarn in a cranberry red color, and a K hook. I found the pattern HERE. The original pattern is for a child size hat, but because I used a larger weight yarn and bigger hook mine came out to fit my head perfectly. This hat is very easily modified to whatever suites personal taste. I am in love with this hat!! 
Please make one!!! 

Monday, October 24, 2011

One Year!

This past Thursday was Tony and I shared our 1st year anniversary of being together!
This year has been the best year of my life. I am so excited for the future God has prepared for me with this man! I am also so excited for the ministry God has placed on both our hearts! I am so blessed to have such a man after God's heart who is so encouraging and loving to anyone who is placed in his life.

This weekend we got all dressed up, went to see a movie and have dinner. The date was absolutely perfect! Our gifts to each other were made in secret and somehow we ended up both making the other a photo album of our first year together.  I am so endlessly amazed and grateful how God has orchestrated mine and Tony's relationship. 

Sweetheart, I love you! 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Home stretch!!

In 5 days I will be traveling home for the first time this semester, and I am soo excited! I am beyond ready to see my family and be in my home town for a few days! My reason for going home is to play violin in a friends wedding. I have a feeling that the weekend will be an emotional whirlwind. I am also excited because my boyfriend is coming to visit and attend the wedding with me.
Once the weekend comes and go then there is fall break, then thanksgiving and Christmas!! I am so thrilled this semester is racing by! I am ready to be done with the current chapter of life I presently am in.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lonely One

When I think of the word “lonely” I think of not having anyone around, a state of quietness, or deserted. So, what happens if that is not how life is and there are people around who love and care for you, yet the feeling of loneliness remains inside? What is there to do about this deep feeling of being alone? 
For the past few weeks, since I have been at school, I have felt like this so much! I believe that my homesickness and frustration in being at school has increased much more this year than my first year here at school, when I was new and had no one I knew. At school I am five hours away from my home and family, so there is no just dropping everything and running home. I have to wait it out for certain weekends, or plan much in advance to get to my family and loved ones.
Well, I looked up the meaning for the word lonely and I was given generic descriptions such as: (without companions, solitary) and for a place (unfrequented and remote). I found the definitions of this word to be bare and hopeless. So as I turn to the bible to look up some encouragement apart from the desolate word, I discovered that David, the writer of Psalms felt just as I do right now. Psalms 25:16 says, “Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.” I read those words and prayed an imitative prayer to God, but I think to myself, how did David, a man after God’s own heart, get to a place of loneliness and torment? I scrolled up to the beginning of chapter 25 and read verses 1 and 2 which say, “In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me.” How can this be the same chapter that I am reading? In verse 1 David is putting his trust in God and believing in the Lord to not let anything harm him. Reading down David asks God to show him the ways of the Lord, to guide him, and to teach him, while all of David’s hope is in God. 
As I try and imagine how David can be so lonely, as shown in vv.16, when he is so close to God; I find a footnote in my NIV study Bible, which says that David was the target of his enemy’s words. In a sense, David was mostly dealing with spiritual warfare to not let his spirit take in all the nastiness that was being said to him. 
I find it so encouraging that David has gone through this situation, because in our world today there are so many “bullies” that come against us. Satan tries to tell us “you are all alone” or “you are worthless”, but through this cry of David we continue down to see that in verses 19-21 David says to God, “See how my enemies have increased and how fiercely they hate me! Guard my life and rescue me; let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you. May my integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you.” David is completely trusting in God! David knows that God is holding him through the hard times no matter what, because David does not let anything askew his faith, trust, and hope in God! 
As I feel hopeless and lonely in my dorm room praying the same prayer as David did; I am encouraged to know that I am not alone! God is with me, and I know that He is holding on to me because I remain faithful to Him. Loneliness is not supposed to be a lesson of selfishness, but a lesson of giving. Give yourself to God today and let Him use you in this trial season of your life. Choose not to let your heart be troubled but to speak in faith as David has shown us how to do. 
A few more encouragement verses to look up are:
  • Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
  • 1 Corinthians 3:16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s spirit dwells in your midst?
  • Psalms 119:116 Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed. 
  • Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope,
  • 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

EC Fitness Chalenge 5K

Today is day 3 of my official EC Fitness Chalenge 5K training! I am entering a race on November 12th! This will be my first ever 5K experience and I have just 8 short weeks to train! I am super excited to accomplish this goal! I has several friends a loved ones who are pushing and encouraging me! 
So, Since this is day 3, let me tell you what my previous two days were like.
Monday the 12th I Ran/Walked for 30 minutes ( 2 miles).
Tuesday the 13th I did circuit training with a group in our Student Activity Center. This training is provided for the EC Fitness Chalenge coordinators. As well as Run/walked about 40minutes (about 2 miles *outside*) I am soo sore from the group training and the run! My muscles are YELLING at me! 
Today will be a 30 min Run/walk with more running than walking I assure you. I will probably run on the treadmill. I find that I can run much longer on a treadmill than outside, I am not quite sure why but I hope to be just as good out side in the near future! 
In the mean time I live in the practice rooms playing music all the time, and studying! I am so relieved this semester seems to be going by quickly! Life is so difficult when not around the one’s I love! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dorm Room Ideas

Today I also have another really cool blogger lady for you to check out! This if more for all you college girls out there that need some ideas on how to spruce up your dorm room!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Helpful Tips

Hey everyone, I hope you are having a great week and now that everyone is starting school again I have a link to College Study Tips thatI think is helpful for starting the school year off right! I hope you enjoy the rest of the day!

Friday, August 19, 2011

New Dorm!!

This year my college opened a new dorm and I was one of the extremely blessed students to be able to live in this new dorm! Plus I got a wonderful roommate this year! So now the only problem with this year is that my boyfriend and I (Tony) are doing the long distance thing. This is our first week of school so the "missing you" emotions haven't been to terribly but I still don't feel right with him being so far away from me.
Anyway, I have been so proud of myself thus far in the school year because I have been so productive this week! Plus a majority of my homework is done so I have my weekend pretty much free!
Well, below I have some pictures of my new dorm room! I am trying to figure out the best way to decorate and stay organized, so there is still much to do but I am loving all the space we have this year and that my roomie and are the only one's sharing our bathroom!

My cute little desk!

My closet, I am going to get a curtain to put up (thus the shower rod) to hide all my stuff.
The sink in our bathroom, (that I only share with my roomie)!!!! I can't get over this huge bathroom!!

Yes, that is a tub/shower!!

Our attempt in being organized.

Our bunk beds and my roomie! Ps. it is so hard to make a top bunk bed!!

Well if anyone has some cute and easy tips for glaming up a dorm room I would be SO appreciative!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Spray Paint!

Finally, I have completed my wall picture for my room at home! It is not entirely finished but the picture frames are up! I just adore Spray painting, so this project was a thrill.

I started with some mixed/matched frames I had displayed in my room.

Spray painted them in an off-white out door paint.

The long poster frame is painted with the same paint and I wrote the scripture on white paper. I hung the frames below with fishing wire. I think this is so whimsical and cute! The last thing is to put black and white photo's in the frames, then this project will be complete!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Small Achievements that Make Me Smile!

I am so excited because I weighed my self last night on 3 separate scales (2 at my house and 1 at a friends) and they all said that I weighed 170.0 lb.!!! This excites me to no end!! I am so thrilled and I know it is a small step because last time I went to the doctor I was 174. lb. so that means I am down about 4 pounds!! But that is a step in the right direction! My realistic goal weight is about 160 right now but my overall goal weight is 150. Since I am about 5'3" in height I think both are a good manageable goals to reach! I have always and will always be a curvy girl but my entire goal is to be healthier than I am now. I would also like to be able to run a 5k which is 3.1 miles. Growing up with asthma made the idea of running unimaginable, but I have been able to learn how to control my asthma to the point that now I can run about a mile and a half pretty well! I am hoping to be in a 5k race by next summer!

Recent Picture

This was the only full body picture I could find!

I am so excited for the things God is teaching me and equipping me to do. Being a college student is hard on our bodies and our spiritual lives! I hope to overcome both obstacles this coming school year, and have a social life. Well, its time to start packing again!

Does anyone have any tips for packing? I would love some advice and new tips and tools to get this moving process over with!

Proverbs 15:30 (NIV)
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Time Catch Up

Hi everyone, This summer has been a whirl wind of unending things to do and accomplish! I have been fortunate enough to have much needed family time with my family as well as my future family (in-laws). So for this catch up blog I am going to post some of my favorite pictures from this summer! Also I should mention most of the pictures have been edited through Instagram.
Our new hobby is Geocaching!

Pretty Pictures of Tony and I!

Left; My brother and his friend. Right; Add a kid advertisement!

Down; Summer Travels

I hope your summer was wonderful and relaxing!
Now off to pack for school!