Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The end is near, and so is the beginning.


I have entered into my last week of undergraduate college. I have completed my senior violin recital and the semester is wrapping up. The only thing keeping me from my diploma is two papers, one project, and two final exams. I wanted to take a few minutes from paper writing to encourage you as the season draws to an ends. It feels like I keep announcing final events, like: my last week of school, my last Sunday at my church, my last rent payment till I get married, and my last moments in the music building that I love so much. But really it is a time of beginnings. I will begin job hunting, I will begin serious wedding planning, I will begin my first home soon, and my life will begin as a real adult. That is almost too daunting to thing about right now...
      I am reminded of Gideon in the book of Judges from the Old Testament. Gideon was a normal guy who was pressured to be the leader of his people and take only three hundred men to fight against their enemy. They were surrounded and least likely to win but Gideon had the Lord on his side. The Lord told Gideon to sound the trumpets and shout to the Lord in the middle of the night around the camp of the enemy. When Gideon and his people obeyed, they won the battle with little bloodshed.

         Sometimes at the end of the semester I feel like Gideon felt. Surrounded at all sides with no hope and stressed beyond all measure. But I know that if I trust in the Lord, he will not give me more than I can handle, and I normally finish strong. I can only make it through because of the power of Christ that gives me strength when I am faithful and reliant on Him. So I charge you to be like Gideon, sound your trumpets of praise and life high the name of the Lord! He will get you through whatever battle you are facing! I found the picture below online somewhere and I can not remember at all where I found it, but it gives me such hope and reassurance. I hope you find it a blessing as well!

Enjoy the journey,


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